Sunday, October 27, 2024

Case File Compendium Vol. 3 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou: review

5/5 stars on Goodreads

Case File Compendium vol 3 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou

Volume 3 of Case File Compendium is about the aftermath of the sexual assault in the previous volume. If the reader is hoping for soul-searching, deep conversations, healing and understanding, they will be sorely disappointed.

He Yu plunges deep into his psychopathy, living in a reality of his own, where his actions aren’t his fault, and pushing himself in Xie Qingcheng’s company—and into the older man’s bed. He’s still demanding answers for what took place when Xie Qingcheng resigned as his doctor. The latter isn’t willing to tell him anything, and only gives in to He Yu’s forceful demands to get rid of him faster.

Xie Qingcheng wants nothing to do with He Yu. He’s deeply traumatised by what took place, and he hates He Yu with passion. However, since he bottles everything in, he simply goes on as if nothing has happened, his rage surfacing only on occasion with He Yu. Reader feels both annoyance and sympathy for him, as it turns out he’s coped with hardships this way all his life.

Life keeps throwing the two together, and they end up on the set of a same movie production. Things get so bad that the reader starts believing this will end with either of them killing the other. But before their hatred peaks, a serial killer shows up and the two are caught in his web.

This was a difficult, heavy book. On one hand, I’m happy that the events of the previous book aren’t glossed over here, but there was nothing light to give the reader even a breather. Even the revelation of the source of He Yu’s madness didn’t ease things, as it’s a tragic story too.

We mostly follow He Yu as he descends into his madness. The brief lucid moments are always followed by worse delusions and violence. And Xie Qingcheng’s suffering isn’t any easier to witness. There aren’t even any side stories and plots that would take attention away from the two even briefly. And just as the plot changes a new gear, the book ends in a double cliffhanger, with Xie Qingcheng ready to reveal one of his secrets, and the pair in a mortal peril.

Nevertheless, this was a good book. He Yus mental illness is believable and Xie Qingchengs suffering relatable. It’ll be an agony to wait for the next book, but I’m invested in the story now. It’ll definitely need all the remaining several volumes before any sort of HEA can be achieved.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sleeping Worlds Have No Memory by Yaroslav Barsukov: review

5/5 stars on Goodreads 

Sleeping Worlds Have No Memory by Yaroslav Barsukov

Sleeping Worlds Have No Memory combines two novellas, Tower of Mud and Straw that came out 2021, and its follow-up, City of Spires, City of Seagulls, with a brief intermission, The Man with All the Gifts, between them that gives the reader insight into the actions of one of the characters in the first book. I read and reviewed the first book in 2021 and liked it very much. You can read the full review here.

In the first novella, Shea Ashcroft, an aristocrat and politician, is sent to a remote town to supervise the construction of an enormous tower. It’s a punishment, and he takes it as such, but he’s willing to do his job as instructed. But when he learns that the tower will lead to a destruction of the world by opening a portal to another world, he has no choice but to destroy the tower.

The first novella ends there, with the reader convinced that Shea has plunged to his death with the tower. But he’s saved, in a manner that fits the world and doesn’t come across as a deus ex machina solution. But now that Shea is alive, he has to face the consequences of his actions. Everyone knows he’s the one who destroyed the tower. The queen herself comes to his trial to make sure he’s executed for treason.

Shea isn’t willing to wait for that. With the help of an enemy spy, he flees to her country, only to end up in even more trouble than before. Now he’s the captive of their prince who wants him for his information about the tower. Because the tower Shea destroyed isn’t the only one. It’s about arms-race, and the enemy isn’t willing to be left out, no matter what they say about destroying their weapon too.

Meanwhile Brielle, the engineer of the tower who was stranded in the alien world in the first novella, struggles to find her way out before she dies of thirst or is killed by a giant baby throwing a tantrum. But what happens when the two worlds collide?

In the end, there’s only one choice for the other tower too, and Shea knows it. Reality has changed already though, even if there are only two people who know about it. Or maybe it has always been like that...

Second novella is slightly more action driven than the first, but equally compelling and the narrative tone remains similarly pensive as in the first, as Shea now has new deaths on his conscience. Both Lenas feature too, even after death; Shea’s sister in his memories, and the alien woman in the pages of her diary Shea is reading for clues about the tower. The second novella ends in a better place for Shea, but the ending is open enough that the reader can’t be quite sure how he’ll fare from now on. Hopefully he’ll get what he wished for.

I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The City in Glass by Nghi Vo: review

5/5 stars on Goodreads

The City in Glass by Nghi Vo

The City in Glass is a story of a city, a demon who loves it, and an angel who loves the demon. It’s set in an imaginary world close enough of ours to be recognisable in some parts, though not immediately identifiable as a particular culture or specific time. A distant past, maybe.

Vitrine is a demon, an immortal being of high emotions and capricious nature, but not evil. She’s arrived to Azril centuries ago when it was still a shanty-town of pirates. With love to its people and the town itself, she helps it to grow to a bright jewel, watching its fortunes ebb and flow through time. And then, out of the blue, four angels arrive and destroy the place and the people.

Only ruins, ghosts, and Vitrine’s rage remain. In her anger, she curses one of the angels, planting a part of her essence in his heart. Unable to return to his own plane of existence with other angels, he stays in Azril, watching as she begins to clear the destruction to make way for the town to reborn again.

The two don’t like or understand each other. Her anger doesn’t ease, but he offers no explanations to the angels’ actions. Years and decades go by as Vitrine clings to her grief, reminiscing the people she’s known. The two barely interact, but they are each other’s only company. Until she drives him away. She would want it to be forever, but in the end, she sets a limit of fifty years.

When the angel returns, he wants to bring refugees of a war to Azril to repopulate it. She demands a huge sacrifice of him to let them come. He agrees, and so the city comes alive again, and the cycle of watching it grow starts anew. It’s not the Azril she’s known before, but it’s her city and her people and she loves them. But it’s now his city too, much to her upset.

This was such a wonderful read. It doesn’t really have a plot that would advance from point to point. Instead, we walk the streets of Azril remembering the past with Vitrine, so named because of a glass cabinet in her heart where she holds a book with names of all the people of Azril—and the angel’s sacrifice. Years, decades and then centuries flow past, and the city grows under Vitrine’s supervision. Not that humans really know she’s there.

The angel comes and goes. He doesn’t speak much, but the reader sees him change from a cold vessel of judgement and destruction to a person who cares about the people of Azril as much as Vitrine does. Her anger eases eventually, and his love for her grows, though we have no indication of it other than that he keeps returning to her. He’s never named, and even at the end she refuses to ask his name or add it to her book. Instead, as a show of her love, she gives him her cityor gives him to the city.

Even without a traditional plot, this was a compelling read. The tone is pensive, but the pace is good, the language is rich, and Vitrine is ever changing like her city. The ending was a bit of a surprise, and while it made an impact, it’s sort of disappointing in the way it was handled. (MINOR SPOILER AHEAD)

I would’ve liked for her to set him free, like she did to everyone she loved, something he struggled with. She does ask if he wants it, but he doesn’t want her to ask. For me, it meant he wanted her to give it voluntarily as an act of love, but she takes it to mean he doesn’t want it. And although he goes to his fate voluntarily, I would’ve found it more meaningful if he’d done it free of the curse too. It’s a small mar though and doesn’t in anyway lessen my enjoyment of the story.

I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu Vol. 2 by Tang Jiu Qing: review

5/5 stars on Goodreads

Ballad of Sword and Wine by Tang Jiu Quing

The second volume picks up where the previous left, i.e. right after the bedroom scene. The book description says the men part as enemies, but that’s not the case. Shen Zechuan simply leaves as if nothing has happened. He’s not affected by what took place between him and Xiao Chiye at all, which irks the latter greatly, prompting him to tempt the first at every opportunity.

But things have changed between them and the men find themselves scheming together. It doesn’t show outward though, and Shen Zechuan even manages to manipulate matters so that Xiao Chiye is suspected of a wrongdoing, with the full knowledge and co-operation of the latter. Shen Zechuan even makes sure that Xiao Chiye doesn’t come to a permanent harm.

There’s abundant of court intrigue going on too. Someone is making several attempts at the emperor’s life, and the heroics of Shen Zechuan in saving him help his star to rise in the court. He can’t become complaisant though, and has to work relentlessly to keep his scheming going.

Both men are busy and it keeps them apart. Whenever they come together, heat begins to build, leading to some of the most erotic non-sex scenes I’ve read in a while. The indifference Shen Zechuan affects is only a show and Xiao Chiye can melt him in moments. The two are brilliant together, in and out of bed, matching each other in scheming and passion.

The story is much more compact than in the first book, taking place during a couple of months. A lot happens during it, and at the end, the men are better off than after the first. And like the first book, this ends in a middle of what promises to be a good bedroom scene. Its as well written and logical with all the complicated court issues as the first, keeping me entertained throughout. I’ll definitely read more.

Friday, September 13, 2024

There are adaptations and then there’s this

Have you ever watched a TV adaptation of a book that you like, which has changed the entire premise, much of the plot and some of the characters, has a completely different ending and a lousy sound quality, and still somehow manages to be better than the original? I hadn’t either, until I watched a Chinese TV series Guardian - Zhen Hun (2018). Some spoilers ahead, especially about the ending.

Promo photo of Guardian with Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu.

Guardian by Priest is a Chinese boylove web novel from 2012 that’s recently been published in English for the first time. It was in three volumes, and I review them here, here and here. It tells the story of two gods who meet at the creation of the world. One is a soulless creature of the underworld, Ghost King, accidentally created by the god of mountain, Kunlun, with other gui. Kunlun ends up sacrificing himself to keep Chaos, Ghost King’s twin, from getting free from the underworld. Distraught, Ghost King makes a deal with gods: Kunlun gets to reincarnate endlessly while he guards the seal on Chaos and the two will never meet.
Promo banner for Guardian by Priest.

Ten thousand years later in present day China, the two meet. Kunlun is now Zhao Yunlan, director of a Special Investigation Department that investigates supernatural crimes, with no knowledge of his past. Ghost King is Shen Wei, a mild-mannered professor of mythology, who knows who Zhao Yunlan truly is and has met him often in his true form as a Soul-Executing Emissary from the underworld. Romance ensues. But Chaos is about to get free again, and another sacrifice is needed to stop it from happening. This time Ghost King is determined to make sure he’s the one who dies to protect the man he loves.

The TV series has none of that. I can only presume that government censorship and rules about what can be shown on Chinese TV had a huge role in changing the premise. Instead of a fantasy about gods and mythological creatures, it’s sort of sci-fi, at least on the surface. All the gods and supernatural entities are now aliens with psychic powers who came to earth ten thousand years ago. Science is emphasised instead of magic and supernatural. Shen Wei, who is an alien called Black Caped Envoy, battled with his twin, Night King, and sealed all aliens to a subterranean world where they’ve been ten thousand years. In present day, Zhao Yunlan is a head of a department that investigates crimes by escaped subterraneans. Shen Wei is a professor of physics. And Night King is about to get free and challenge humans once again.

Promo photo of Guardian with full cast.

For the same reason, the TV series couldn’t openly be a gay romance either. In the book, Zhao Yunlan pursues Shen Wei relentlessly from the start. There are kisses and bedroom scenes, though behind the doors. Bonus chapters show the two living their normal lives as a couple. Everyone is very accepting, and those who aren’t are communicated with until they are.

Nevertheless, the romance is the backbone of the series as well. And it works perfectly. The director had taken a leaf out of the playbooks of Jane Austen adaptations. Passionate emotions are supressed with ruthless determination and only surface in the characters’ struggle to contain them, perfectly portrayed by the expressive faces of the actors. Fleeting touches get a greater meaning than they would otherwise have.

Promo photo of Guardian with Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu.

In forty episodes, there’s a lot of room for the relationship to develop. We are shown how the men constantly put the other’s safety and wellbeing before their own, often to a detriment of their own health. 

Promo photo of Guardian with Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu.

But instead of declarations of love and happily ever after, we get the only way the two have for expressing their love: self-sacrifice for the other and for the mankind. It only works in fiction (don’t try it in real world), and even though it’s not what I would’ve wanted for them, it’s an amazingly satisfying ending.

Promo photo of Guardian with Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu.

There is also more room for character development. In the book, the side characters weren’t given enough time for their own stories and relationships to develop. In the series all the side characters were given ample screen time and good personal stories that were only hinted at in the book. Zhu Hong, the main woman character who was sidelined in the book, had a good arc from a woman besotted with Zhao Yunlan to a leader of her people, and I was especially happy with how the friendship/relationship of Guo Changcheng and Chu Shuzhi played out. It was portrayed as a found family and brotherhood, but it was the secondary romance in the series that was only hinted at in the book.

Promo photo of Guardian with Xing Peng and Jiang Mingyang.

All of this was done on rather cheap looking sets, with fairly simple CGI and truly bad sound editing where the voices of the actors were dubbed by different people in post-production. Those knowledgeable of the production informed me that the company ran out of money before the series was finished, and it showed. All the money probably went into the clothing of Shen Wei who looked stylish throughout the series, although other characters’ wardrobes improved towards the end too.

Promo photo of Guardian with Gao Yuer.

Nevertheless, the sum grew beyond its parts. A lot of it is thanks to the excellent actors portraying Zhao Yunlan (Bai Yu) and Shen Wei (Zhu Yilong, who portrayed four different characters, even if three were basically the same person), but it’s also because the story was given time to grow. The publishing format of web novels tends to make the stories a tad confusing at times, because there’s no returning to earlier chapters for editing after publishing. Much of the book is taken by Chinese creation mythologies and other stories, which were fine but didn’t really advance the story.

Compilation of Zhu Yilong as Black Caped Envoy, Shen Wei, young Black Caped Envoy and Night King.

The book began as an urban fantasy about supernatural investigations and turned to an epic fantasy, after which the spooky atmosphere of the first book disappeared. The TV series kept the investigations going throughout, even if they were never as scary as in the first book. The chainsmoking of Zhao Yunlan was replaced by constant munching of lollypops, which they managed to turn into a mildly erotic moment at one point. 

Promo photo of Guardian with Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu.

The romance was slightly forceful in the book, whereas the stolen touches and fleeting moments of intimacy in the series truly made an impact. The contrived way the series tried to keep from mentioning anything supernatural got a bit comical at times, but it didn’t lessen the enjoyment. The ending was a bit hasty in both, but both were good. A kiss on screen would’ve been perfect, but it wasn’t to be. And so, in the end, I liked the TV series more. Both are good, but one is better.

Photo of Guardian with Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu.

Books are available through Seven Seas Entertainment and on most retail sites. The TV series is on Youku streaming service with (badly translated) English subtitles.

Heres a bonus video on YouTube someone has compiled of the best moments between the men.

And for those who are still on X, one of my favourite scenes I couldnt find anywhere else.